Playing school

It turns out homeschool kids play school. Helena plays it with her neighbors (7 and 4), her toys, and me!!! This has happened before. I go to bed to find a note on my pillow letting me know I have to sign up to some school like activity. I am currently not doing my Science…

and they will come

We have just been at our version of school – it’s school like in the way that you HAVE to be there early in the morning until 3pm and that there are lots of other children there… but however it is a holiday programme so other than an obligation to come when the whistle is…

first day back in homeschool land

We’ve been away on and off for nearly 2 months and just had over four weeks in the big smoke. Helena has been itching to get back home, mostly to see her “babies” (the rats), and has been doing lots of complaining that I drag her here, there and everywhere and she never, ever gets…

Is lego just lego?

The kids are playing lego, or is it playing with lego? So far they have discussed: the increase of motivation you get when you are “paid”.. (they are paying each other in desirable pieces to find other pieces), equality, fairness, vegetarianism, the qualities of various pieces (using words to describe a piece in a mutually…

a factory

The kids are not suited to factory work. My idea was to give them some thing to think about; process, where their food comes from, some grasp on how food is processed, and how other children’s lives were and still are in other places. Of course I didn’t as such say that to them… I…

Lego masters

We watch “reality” TV, namely Lego Masters, and Maker something. I read someone calling these sort of programmes soft TV. Everyone is nice, nice to each other, compliments other people’s work, gives positive feedback, there are hugs and when someone leaves tears. Helena has favourites! She talks about the ideas but only sometimes gets the…


At the holiday programme the kids like to play war “lots of war… raaaaa”  and we let them. It looks like chaos, lots of kids running around with long bamboo sticks and a few with bows and arrows all pointed at people with the accompanying loud roars. Hardly anyone gets hurt, and none badly. We…

one Little thing

This morning I found some of these little shop things still wrapped and hid them on Helena’s bed, which she found so much earlier than I thought she would, ie. before bed time. Delighted Helena gave some to her friend, our 5 year old neighbor who is finally and thankfully in our bubble… it would…

Removing the stress of writing.

Helena hates writing. Writing as in the act of making letters and spelling, not writing as in the ideas/concepts, and she even appears to like editing (or maybe not and she’s just very very good at it). Helena got me to give her a spelling test the other day – self directed, and probably because…

School as you play it

The kids got Explorer Packs from the Botanical gardens. They contain; a “work book,” pencils, a wooden bingo board of natural items, a laminated treasure hunt with whiteboard markers to tick off particular colours as you see them, duck food, an animal identification book and binoculars. All of which are not as Important as the…