
If I had written this last week this would be a different story.. a happy story. A story about how much work H did during the week on her science fair project, how she was self motivated and interested (her library books were not just on her science fair topic but also about learning and…

the Cello

Or as I initially wrote the Chello. It was Helena’s idea that she wanted to learn the cello, I was dubious as I wasn’t sure she knew what one was but then she knew how to spell cello before I did. We have been listening to classical music for a while – my music Education…

I believe this..

We can not teach someone something unless there are one or more of the following conditions: The thing is actually relevant to a learner’s genuine life. The learner genuinely finds the subject/thing actually interesting (this one is hard as you don’t always know what you will find interesting) and this can also be because the…

Another benefit of homeschooling..

I was at a quilting retreat in the weekend and there was a woman there who had had to put her kids in The Correspondence School because her husband had a job in the middle of nowhere, she was not someone who chose homeschooling, and her kids did regular school before and after this period….

the farm

Yesterday Helena told me that although one of the projects (making an island) a friend of hers did at school appealed to her there were aspects she was glad she didn’t have to do with a similar project she is working on…. a project started months and months ago! One was that she got to…

Little bits of work

This project has been going on for months and months.. ever since the Dr told H to stop using soap and washing her wrists due to eczema. Of course H sees all the instructions to wash so she was given a special cream to use and has been so very good about it (probably because…

Doing it the hard way..

We have had the idea of making a raft for a long time. I had it as a kid and my sister and I built one, it was something to do with reading Tom Sawyer, the bit where they are rafting down the Mississippi living life fully and freely. Of course New Zealand rivers aren’t…

2019 the report

School is over for the year… Here is Helena 3 months later reading her report… being reflective.

letting her read

Was I right to let Helena choose when to read? It is such an important, useful and even essential skill… I found it hard as I always wanted to read even when I was perhaps not developmentally there but Helena showed no desire -except a brief interest at 3. However despite this I felt that…

Planting trees… and ideas

We went planting trees with some other homeschoolers and some students who were on a course learning how to be rangers. I called the students “teenagers” but I suspect they were older. Helena worked with a lovely young woman called Claire. I heard Helena talking, talking, talking. Helena said Claire thought she was a plant…