the circle of education

I first taught H to knit years ago. She wanted to learn, but she was so little. I guess she wanted to as it is what I do, usually while ‘watching’ TV, gotta keep those hands busy. I have been knitting for years. I am not an expert like lots of my friends or like…

Current passion…

H’s current passion is photography. She has been interested in an abstract way for a while, but since my cousin gave her a point and shoot camera of her own, her interest has skyrocketed. She has filled up a 16GB SD card. She, Ms shy, has even had a conversation with a photographer: getting advice…

what I have noticed at pretend school

1- most often we have not finished at the time the bell goes and can be mid train of thought, or just at the nitty gritty good bit. It is totally unsatisfying. 2- the before lunch, Nayland college has a very late lunch (1:30 to 2:15) if you ask me, period is a total waste…

check it out

H made this all on her own, in her room by herself… no help, just following instructions. I remember when she had difficulty with the fine motor skills. I can remember when reading was hard. When she needed me to translate.. It’s so cool.

Little bits

Our real lives are full of little bits of this and that… The witch and the cherry tree in Lego… all just because…..

two weeks out

We are so incredibly lucky! We got to spend two weeks totally out of our normal life volunteering for the Department of Conservation at a Lodge at Nydia bay. Only 5 hours of power a day, no cellphone reception… no roads, shops and not even many people! We got dropped there by boat with our…


I don’t know what to do. After a week of Helena madly working on paper dolls… well they started off paper dolls with photocopied cut out clothes (she’s not interested in designing her own) but blue tacking the clothes on was unsatisfactory so then it was tiny tabs, then tiny magnets followed by gluing the…


I love my job. I think it is because there is so much to watch and think about. I get so much energy from the children. It’s like their excitement is contagious. It feels like you are somehow involved in the most exciting project ever and there is no boss to take you back to…

random stuff of the week brought to you by rain

Rain, rain and more rain… It has rained every day for the last few weeks. Our garden is a bog, and a very muddy cold bog at that. We have been somewhat stuck inside – I know we could go brave the weather but neither of us want to…… So Helena has put her pile…

the farm

Yesterday Helena told me that although one of the projects (making an island) a friend of hers did at school appealed to her there were aspects she was glad she didn’t have to do with a similar project she is working on…. a project started months and months ago! One was that she got to…